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Bee Friendly When Planting Your Garden

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We take the British bee population for granted, perhaps not realising just what an important part this tiny insect plays in British agriculture as it pollinates a third of everything we eat and helps keep the planet’s ecosystem sustained. Sadly, through the introduction of new farming techniques, the widespread use of insecticides and urbanisation, 97% of the UK’s wildflower meadows have been destroyed; not only are bees are in decline in the UK but all over the world too. Together with butterflies, moths, and other pollinating insects, over 70 crops grown in the UK depend on bee pollination. If UK farmers had to manually pollinate crops, this would be an expensive and laborious operation costing some £1.8 billion per annum. In parts of China, where natural pollinators have disappeared, Chinese farmers have had to resort to manual pollination.

 If you take time to watch how bees collect nectar and pollen as they buzz around it is quite fascinating. They will be attracted to open, pollen rich flowers and they use scent rather than sight to locate these plants. As the bee lands on the stamen (male reproductive organ) of the flower, some pollen will stick to the hairs on the bee’s body. As she visits the next flower, some of this pollen is deposited onto the stigma or tip of the pistil (the flower’s female reproductive organ). Thus varieties of plants can be pollinated.

 There are, however, simple steps that we can all take to do our bit for bees, and it is as easy as planting the best plants for bees and other pollinators in our gardens, window boxes or pots. To encourage bees and other pollinators into your outdoor space, look for flowers where their stamens are accessible and not closed with petals. With clever planning aim for at least two kinds of bee-friendly plants for each flowering period throughout the year.

 Although we naturally assume that during the cold, dark days of winter, there are few plants that will attract pollinators to our gardens, this is a misconception. There are several highly fragrant shrubs that bloom over winter, making our outdoor space not only more appealing to bees but humans too. Consider planting Viburnum tinus which has small white and pink flowers in bloom from November to March; Viburnum bodnatense blooms from Christmas until late March. Varieties of Mahonia with their sweet scent and attractive yellow blossoms flower from late January until March. Intoxicating perfume comes from varieties of Sarcococca with their small white flowers, also winter honeysuckle Lonicera fragrantissima. Plant bulbs such as snowdrops, winter aconites, purple crocus and Snakeshead Fritillary and perennials such as Hellebores and Erysimum ‘Bowles mauve’ wall flowers. 

 As the season extends, you have a wide choice of bee friendly plants including wildflowers such as native primroses and cowslips. Foxgloves with their attractive tubular flowers are particularly attractive to long-tongued bees such as the common carder bee. 

 Bees are particularly attracted to purple and blue open flowers. Hardy geraniums such as Cranesbill Rozanne and Johnson’s Blue bring the bees in profusion. We have a wide variety of English lavenders in this country with both blue, mauve, and white flowers – Lavandula Hidcote is a particularly neat variety to grow. Other summer flowering perennials that bring pollinators into the garden are Agapanthus, Dianthus, Nepeta, Salvias, Penstemon and Monarda, known as Bee Balm for obvious reasons.

 Although most roses have tight flowers there are many which have a more open, bowl shape flower that attracts bees. These include wild roses such as Rosa Glauca, Rugosa roses whose flowers range from white to deep magenta pink, shrub roses such as Scarborough Fair and ramblers such as Kiftsgate and Kew Rambler.

 Late summer into early autumn can bring forth a wide range of flowering plants including Echinacea with their cone like flowers that are incredibly attractive to bees and produce some of the most delicious honey. Single dahlias such as Bishop of Oxford and Heleniums with their rich autumnal colours, inter-planted with Asters in a range of colours from white to deep red and blue/purple will not only give you a stunning border full of colour but will keep the bees buzzing.

 There are many herbs that we use to cook with that have flowers that attract bees. These can be grown in pots or in window boxes and include creeping Thyme, Oregano and Chives.

 Flowering trees including fruit trees such as apple and cherry are worth finding a space for. Many fruit trees can be grown as cordons and espaliers saving space in small gardens. Buddleia not only attracts bees but butterflies too and although laburnum is often not grown as the pods it produces after flowering are poisonous, when the tree is in bloom with its trusses of golden flower pods can become a magnate to bees. Wisteria has a similar effect.

 Placing a bee house or insect hotel in a dry, sunny location in your garden, will also be beneficial as solitary bees to like to nest in them.

 If you want to become more involved and learn how to care for your own hive of bees, help is at hand from both ‘The Vale and Downland Beekeepers’ Association’ and the Oxfordshire Beekeepers Association (OBKA), depending on which part of Oxfordshire you live. Both charities represent the interests of beekeepers and beekeeping and can provide valuable and essential information on how to care for these precious insects.

 Chairman, Michael Havard-Bilton explains: “Over the past year, with more people working from home, there has been an increased interest in bee keeping. However, it is not just a case of getting a hive, placing it in your garden and filling it with bees. Keeping bees healthy and productive requires knowledge and skill, and it is made much easier by belonging to a local Beekeeping Association where you will be given advice, tuition, and support. If anyone is interested in looking for further information, please look at our website  where you will find all of our events listed.”

 “We recommend that people take our 10-week 'Introduction to Beekeeping' course during the Autumn of 2021 and a follow-up practical course in the spring, where you will be taught how to handle bees. By taking a course you will then be fully prepared to take on your own hive and understand just how to properly care for your bees.”

 The Oxfordshire Beekeepers Association organises around six talks of interest to beekeepers during the winter months with a training programme for beginners starting in March 2022.

To find out more please visit


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