How can I nominate?
Nominations can be made by using the online nomination form on our website or by posting your nomination in the ballot box in the Information Centre. Please state the reasons for your nomination as awards will be shortlisted using this information.
Important dates
Deadline for nomination is 1 March 2024, 4pm. Those shortlisted by an independent panel will be put to the public vote between 18 March and 12 April 2024.
Winners will be announced at the Town Meeting on 1 May 2024.
We hope these awards will raise public morale and help to encourage community spirit, as well as highlight the positive aspects of our community. There are five awards, all for services to the community:
Community Hero Award
The Clive Davis Community Hero Award is an award given to an individual member of the community who has made a difference to the lives of others, going above and beyond the call of duty.
Group Award
There are a variety of community groups in Faringdon, this award is open to any group. It recognises groups that enrich and improve the lives of their members or the wider community.
Business Award
Any business in Faringdon is eligible for nomination. Nominated businesses should have contributed to the community in some way, ideally a business that shows commitment to the town and its residents.
Community Volunteer Award
The Rick Ebsworth Community Volunteer Award is an individual award given to a member of the community for voluntary service.
Environmental Champion Award
Awarded to an individual who is working hard to improve the environment and raise awareness of environmental issues.
More going on around the town…
Artistic Bench Walking Trail
Sketch for bench by artist Nicola Henshaw
Faringdon Town Council (FTC) are working with the Vale of White Horse District Council on an artistic bench trail using s106 funds. We can expect these creative benches to be installed about the town by 2025. More information to follow.
The Maypole Has Landed
Faringdon United Charity has generously bought FTC a beautiful maypole to be used at FTC events and by local schools. It will be stored at the Elms Primary School who plan to use this as an after-school club activity. Many thanks Faringdon United Charity!