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Could You Help Support the Witney Buttercross Scout Group?


For over half a century, the Witney ButtercrossScout Group has been bringing young people together under the guidance of their Scout leaders. With around 350 girls and boys from the ages of 4 to 18 years of age, involved in various sections under the guidance of over 40 Scout Leaders, the Witney Buttercross Group is one of the largest in Oxfordshire.

The five different age groups are divided into:

  • Squirrels (aged 4-6 years)
  • Beavers (aged 6 -8 years) divided into 3 units around the town
  • Cubs (aged 8- 10½ years) divided into 5 units
  • Scouts (aged 10½ - 14 years) divided into 4 units
  • Explorers (aged 14- 18 years) – these are members of the ‘District’ unit

There are a wide range of activities for the young people to participate in working both indoors and outside, all designed to educate, engage and entertain. The activities which the Scout Groups get involved in often test both their physical and mental abilities. Whilst there is a degree of danger and excitement included for the youngsters, everything is carefully assessed with no unnecessary risks being taken.

The Buttercross Scouts currently meet in Witney’s Marlborough Lane (just off Corn Street). The Scout Leaders are looking for a new space with a small area of land suitable for both outdoor activities and camping; they also need to be able to accommodate a building for stores with adjacent toilet facilities. Unfortunately, the quest to find a suitable location is proving very difficult and Group Chairman, David Kinchin, would be most grateful if anyone reading this article can point the Group in the right direction or offer an area, either for sale or for long-term rent. This would be welcomed with open arms.

“There are very few organisations which cater for young people of both sexes, across such a wide age range,” says David. “Many adults approach leaders with comments about how much they valued their Scouting experience as a child. There are skills learned which stay with you for life. As an ageing Group Chairman, I still fondly remember my days as a Cub and Scout. I also belong to a family where four generations have appreciated the value of Scouting. I am sure, I am by no means unique in that. Whilst some people say that Scouts are out of touch with the modern world, that is total nonsense. Many 21st century technologies have been embraced across the age groups and these are explored alongside the traditional activities of fire-lighting, cooking, and camping. Nowadays, we have pizza ovens, pneumatic tents (pumped up with no tricky poles), kayaks, photography and so much more. Anyone involved with the Scouting movement which find that once you get the Scouting bug, there is no turning back!”

The Witney Buttercross Group is well supported with waiting lists to join up. These are carefully and fairly managed and should the Group be successful in finding suitable meeting places around the town and also have volunteer leaders come forth, they would be able to expand even further.

The Witney Buttercross Scout Group are actively engaged in fundraising and you can easily help support them if you do your online shopping via; by doing so you will be able to raise money for the Group at no cost to yourself as retailers give a donation to ‘Easy Fundraising’ for any customers who shop via their website, which is passed to the customer’s nominated charity. UK taxpayers can also Gift Aid their donations, making them worth even more. You can find out more and register by visiting

The Scout Group also operates a clothing collection scheme with collection bins outside the Scout Hut and in the B&Q carpark. You can put all clothing, paired shoes, handbags, bags, ties, belts, household linen and towels carefully tied up in bags and placed within the collection bins, not left outside the bins. The adult members of the Scout Group regularly empty the bins, with all items collected for recycling generating payment by weight. This scheme helps provide a steady income for the Group.

For further information please visit, and


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